Prepare yourself to Rock your life.
Le Mont - Catrina SG Guitar
Unique Bento Fingering Animations, 5 styles.
Use a pick/plectrum
Beautiful Guitar Model with great materials.
5 original Bento animation styles, 9 dances
Comes with a unique Catrina Amp
Sit 'n Play version Included
For copyright reasons it doesn't come with any sounds.
So grab your Catrina SG and Rock all of our lives.
Quick Start:
Add the guitar according to your gender, it should attach to your right shoulder.
Add the guitar Pick/Plectrum according to your gender, it should attach to your right hand.
Add the HUD
Click on the HUD's top your preferred style
This will trigger an upper body Bento animation priority 5 that you can combine with your AO and your own dances.
Thanks to Cosmeja for her help in so many things I've tried to build and do.
Visit her store "XO- Xtra Ordinary" at:
And keep looking at what we have to offer to enhance your life at Le Mont:
See item in Second Life View Video »Looks great!
So far I can't find anything better!
Visually this guitar is great, but with anything avatar animated that your avatar is holding, everyone should expect things not to line up at parts of the animations, for it to fit, the creator would have to make a AO for each avatar size, arm length, and so on, not a realistic expectation, at least until LL comes out with live animation snapping points, maybe in 2088 LL will . . . .
Anyways, the mesh model is great, textures are great, and even the animations are pretty good, that said,
wish this guitar also included static poses for a few general sizes for each gender, 3 to 5 each, with just the arms/hands animated, so that people can take photos, or chill on a chair or sofa, I guess I'm wishing for a Static animation hud, poses with AOs in mind, static animations standing and sitting for each gender, maybe even some lay lounging,
In the end, for $L299, this is a great buy, well worth it!
Love it! Works even better than I expected.
This really is the best guitar you can get on SL, it's just a shame that LeMont doesn't have any 'Flying V' style guitars. :( If LeMont ever makes one, fingers crossed, I would buy it in a heartbeat!