Big Plaza Fountain "Ancient" creation to decorate your city park or where you want. The Fountain is mod copy. Scripts are only copy.
This Fountain have this scripts installed:
1) Touch or voice command for turn on/off
2) Volume water control with voice command
3) WaterJet Color with voice command
Additional Info:
- 2 Jet Water
- Base Fountain 14x10 mt (removable)
- All are original mesh
- Specular & Normal map used
- Shdowed texture used
- All Voice command are in open chat
Info notecard present in sale box summarizes all the voice commands that are very simple to use.
Land Impact Only 10!
Attention changing the size of the fountain may change the number of the Prims Used.
The various components of this creation are linked to optimize the land impact, their de-link modification could modify the final land impact
- Original Mesh
- Multi Map Used & High Quality Texture
- 4 Jet water On Off Owner Controlled
- Running animated water
- Water Sound