Do you like wearing wide-skirt historical and/or formal dresses but don't like how most AOs bury your avatar's arms deep in her skirts? Have you ever given your avatar a fan, only to find the animation which came with the fan too stiff and repetitive for your tastes? Well, now (after months of experimentation), I've finally managed to create a fan AO with smooth, random movements that can be worn by an avatar with a wide skirt.
This Fan AO also comes with a set of four different colored fans. (You can also use an unscripted fan of your own choosing.) The AO includes 9 long animated stands, an animated walk, animated run, animated sits, falling and floating animations. (And it can be yours for the low low price of 99L!)
Feel free to IM Amethyst Dominica if you have any questions about anything!
I was, worried that this may have issue with my new mesh body, seems to do fine with Maitreya/Bento hands, the walk hops a little, still better than my olde historical era hud, the turns are way smoother, and with copy/mod, I may be able to tweek it where as my other huds wouldn't. special bonus one of the fans matches my favorite gown
were it for Bento easily 5 stars