G Geral

Binoculars - Multitool

Binoculars - Multitool

These Binoculars not only look nice as an accessory, they also provide very cool feature to help find your friends!

by default the channel is 7 (can be changed easily with instructions on the notecard)

Avatar locator, Avatar scanner built in.

To use just wear them, they are worn in the right hand. But feel free to modify or move them where ever you may need.


1. To locate a friend you type /7 (person's name) Without paranthesis and it will send a stream of particles toward the person so you can follow the particle stream to the person. Has a 96 meter range. To turn off the particles type /7 off

2. You can scan for avatars around you in a 96 meter radius by typing /7 scan

3. /7 off - Turns off the particle effect.

4. /7 help - Gives a list of commands.

Veja o item no Second Life
  • Scan for friend
  • Particles aim toward friend to easily find in crowd
  • Fun little scanner
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