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Bittersweet Creek Rezzable Rose Petals ($50 on sale for $25!)

Bittersweet Creek Rezzable Rose Petals ($50 on sale for $25!)
Bittersweet Creek Rezzable Rose Petals ($50 on sale for $25!)
48 Reviews

These pretty petals are the perfect accent to scatter beside your Bittersweet Creek Double Slipper Clawfoot Tub.

While the spray of petals is highly detailed, they only count as a single prim, launched by a temp-rezzer petal that respects even the tightest prim budgets.

►► (Please read more below if you are not familiar with the limitations of temp rez items.)

Want to take a peek at it up close? Click the "See Item In Second Life" link on the left hand side of this page to drop by "Alchemy's Attic" for a closer look.

Time to spoil your goddess self!

; )

-- Alchemy.

►► IMPORTANT: Before you purchase this item, please read the notes below. There is -NO- way for any merchant to guarantee that temp rezzable items will work in all sims. If you are in a SIM where people are over-using temp rez prims, this item will not function as it should, nor will any temp-rez items. Like regular prims, temp rezzables have a limit. If you aren't familiar with temp rezzables, please read on.

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While this item and it's entire contents when rezzed would be comprised of 25 highly detailed prims, the advanced rezzing system means that they can count for as few as 1 prim against your land.

While "temp rez" prims may sound like nirvana, they are not entirely the free prims they seem to be. They do come with a cost, and that includes a slight flicker when prims are replaced, as well as an impact to sim resources due to the timer and constant re-rezzing of scripted prims.

I have worked very hard to cultivate a scripted system that is both respectful of sim resources, and offers a balance between a quality display of components and a prim-diet that respects your parcel's budget.

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Determining how many temporary prims you can rez on your land is not an exact science. In addition, there are a few JIRA documented bugs and quirks that can make using temp rezzable products a bit of a challenge at times.

Here are a couple of simple things you can do to ensure that the components you set as temp rezzables behave as expected:

1. If your parcel is "group owned" land, be sure to set your base petal to the same group.

2. Make sure that the parcel is set to allow scripted objects to run.

3. Be sure that your parcel allows "object creation". If the land is group owned, make sure the base petal is not only set to that group, but that the group, not just the land owner, has "object creation" rights.

4. If people report that your petals suddenly disappear when you are offline, and you are certain that you've enabled the rights outlined above, you can "Deed" the base petal to the group that owns the land, which is one of the tightest ways of ensuring temp prims will continue to rez whether you're around or not.

Want to test this? Prims disappearing when you're offine are a JIRA-documented bug. Don't want to wait until someone tells you the rezzable items are only around when you are? Log in using an alt account if you have one, or ask a friend to watch the petals for a minute or two as you log offline.

5. If your prims are rezzing, then disappearing immediately, or before the replacement cycle, your SIM/parcel may be exceeding it's temp prim allotment.

While you may be within expected limits when you set up, these limits are very fluid, and change each time regular prims are added or taken away from the SIM. If you are on land in a SIM where other people reside, their own prims may be affecting your's, depending on how the SIM owner has parcelled off the land.

Nope. No good way to test this absolutely, as the Linden Lab formula for temp rezzing is fluid, and you likely cannot enforce how your neighbours are treating prims on their own land.

* NOTE: If you are renting land from another owner, you will purchasing this item. Some SIM owners do not permit these items because of the potential for abuse and they negative impact that they can have on SIM resources when people aren't being good stewards.

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  • Temp rezzable so they do not count against your parcel's prim limit.
  • Free updates.
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great petals
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted March 01, 2021 by zarya Yuhara

They are great petals. Only sad you cant make them bigger or smaller. I think that is sad. For the rest they are great.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 10, 2013 by MrViking1977

Worked as intended, read the description. The roses rez as 1 prim for me. Thank you so much.

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L$ 25

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Alchemy's Attic
Alchemy's Attic
Sold by: Alchemy Cyannis

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