G General

Black Castle *Only 16 prims*

Black Castle *Only 16 prims*

The Black Castle is build of solid stone blocks and has towers that reach up into the sky. The huge lockable wooden doors swing open to reveal a spacious interior with high arched ceiling. Perfect for role play groups or just as a home!

There is a teleport up to a second floor which could be used as a bedroom, armoury or second group area.

Super low prim the castle is only 16 prims. This package also includes a copiable 2 prim castle torch with particle flame for use if you wish.

Autorezzer. 48mx30m. 16 prims.

Come see the castle at our dark Delestra sim using the link.

See item in Second Life
  • Large black stone castle with towering spires
  • Lockable wooden doors
  • Includes optional torches
  • Teleports up and down to second floor
  • Autorezzer. 48mx30m. 16 prims.