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Black Shetland Wool Fingerless Gloves

Black Shetland Wool Fingerless Gloves

Wool Knitted Fingerless Gloves:

Seen the movies of the 1800s market women with their knitted fingerless gloves? Very practical gloves with a certain romantic styling about them. Something stylish, but also homey and comforting to see and wear. Something with personality in our cookie-cutter, machine-made, modern era.

Now you can have them on SL, and because they are of rigged-mesh, they will also function like they should.

This edition comes in knitted wool.

These rigged-mesh Fingerless Gloves come in 10 sizes. Each size I have linked in pairs. Thus you will see only one Item per size in your Inventory folder. Just wear the size that fits, along with the alpha layer, and enjoy a unique style and design for your avatar. Each pair attaches to right forearm, so as you move, as you take things in your hands, do not worry, they will move with your avatar, and not be bothered with attachments you may take into your hands while you role-play on SL.

Packaging: No Mod, Copy, No Transfer (Keep for your backup)
Items: Modify, Copy, No Transfer

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Thank you,
Sahiela Lavendel
Priory of Rose

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