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Black Tie Gift Boxes - Set of Seven - All Occasions

Black Tie Gift Boxes - Set of Seven - All Occasions

You've planned your perfect occasion, and bought the perfect gifts? Now pack them in these gorgeous boxes and bask in the compliments and thanks.

Suitable for any avatar, and any occasion. From a simple holiday gathering to an elaborate wedding or anything between.

Beautiful enough to serve as a table centerpeice -just add a few balloons and a nice cake for an instant party.

Worth every prim, they range from 8 to 15 each. 75 prims to rez them all, but each one is nice enough to stand on it's own.

Easy to use; six of the boxes are packed inside the box you will receive.

*Just rez the box
*Touch to move the rest of the boxes to inventory.
*Open the "edit" window
*Click the "contents" tab
*Drag your gift inside
*Take the box back into inventory
*Rename the box, if desired
*Rez the next one and repeat.

Scripts are included in each box to allow the giftee to receive their item on touch.

  • Any Occasion - Unisex - Gorgeous
  • Finest Quality & Meticulous Designer Details
  • Sophisticated - Spiffy - Upscale - Couture
  • Easy to Use