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[Black Tulip] Script - Analog Clock - Basic Edition

[Black Tulip] Script - Analog Clock - Basic Edition

You can setup and control all this with one script:

- The clock Hours, minutes and seconds hands. Seconds hand is optional, and it can be placed in a separate place than hours and minutes. There's a tool to help setting up the hands, so they rotate as you want them.
- You can define all the timezones you need, and there's an option to turn on/off daylight saving.
- Tick-tock sound. It can be turned on/off.
- Up to five extra buttons that you can setup to call other scripts.
- Final user can change access to owner only/everybody/group
- Menu can be integrated into tools such as MLPv2, AVsitter... (AVsitter version 2 works too!)

For more features, look under related items, for our highly featured, single script, for grandfather clocks.

Always refer to http://blacktulip-store.blogspot.com/p/licenses.html for the most up-to-date license.

By acquiring this package, you agree to:

- Use the scripts included in the corresponding building aid box in your own productions only AFTER having set its permissions for NEXT OWNER to NO COPY or NO TRANSFER.
- NOT give away any of the scripts contained in this box under any circumstances.

The scripts are EXCLUSIVELY to be used in the items you sell/gift: you are responsible for any misuse.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 13, 2022 by gweha

Pretty straight forward and good documentation.

However I would like to know if there is way to remove [..] menu's if they are not in use...

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