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Bloody Mod for TWBM Wolf Pup

Bloody Mod for TWBM Wolf Pup

Just have a big meal? Oh dear.. Seems you have a bit of that dinner on you!

You can recolor the markings easily using the TWBM hud or use BoM as well! Whether you want to be covered in blood or covered in slime is up to you!

This item comes in a Box, You must unpack it first!

You will receive:
Bloody Red AND Tintable White Bloody Marking Appliers.
BoM Layers for both.
NC Instructions.

1. Right click and push ADD on the applier while wearing your wolf pup.
When the applier shows up on your screen, push APPLY to wear the mod right away or UPLOAD to add the marking to your HUD for later use.
You can use the customization tab to tint your markings what ever color you want.

2. If you want to use BoM, go to your customization Tab, select the Fur and then on the side where it says MARKINGS. Once you have those selected, push the BoM button to set your markings to BoM.
Once you have your marking layer set to BoM, you can select your BoM Marking in your inventory and push ADD. This will slap your BoM Markings on you right away.
You can right click and edit the marking once you are wearing it to tint it what ever color you want.
Remember that the LAST BoM Universal layer will ALWAYS appear ontop of the others.
You can also set your BoM Layers to glow using the customization tab, as if it were a normal non BoM layer.