Blue Dragon Tip Jar
The tip jars are supplied in various different styles. Not all styles have all features. Features can be customised by an extensive menu system. To access the menu, right click the tip jar and choose 'Touch'. Once you have customised the features to suit your needs you can pick up the tip jar and it will keep the setup each time you rez a copy in future. All tip jars are supplied copy/mod so you can stretch or shrink them to the size you desire.
Features common to all tip jars
1/ Payments. The most important feature of course, anyone can pay the tip jar. You always get 100% of money paid to the jar. Anyone who touches the jar sees four pay buttons and a box they can fill in with any amount they desire. The amounts on the four buttons by default are 10, 20, 50 and 100. You can change the amounts shown on these buttons by choosing the menu option 'PayButtons' and entering four numbers separated by commas in the text box shown.
2/ DJ/Host. You can set DJ mode or Host mode. This only affects the text in some places. If you are using the tip jar for some some other purpose such as club donations etc then ignore this setting.
3/ Hover Text. The text shown above the tip jar can be changed from no text at all to a full listing of tip status and can be shown in a variety of colours. The default text shown is just 'Tip your DJ: ' followed by your display name. This line is called the Title line. Choose the menu option 'Hovertext' to change any aspect of the hovertext. You can enter a custom title line and enable or disable any of the other factors making up the hovertext.
4/ Effects - Channel and Spotlight. These effects are displayed when someone makes a donation. Channel sends a stream of images out to the person making the donation, spotlight puts an image above the person's head. Each effect lasts a few seconds. You can enable or disable each of these effects, choose which image is used from several provided or enter your own custom image.
5/ Thanks. Allows you to customise the message which is sent to donors thanking them. The default message is 'Thank you for your generous tip ㋡'.
6/ Gift. Any objects, notecards or landmarks which you place into the tip jar will be given to donors. This feature can be enabled or disabled from this menu item.
7/ Stream. Enter the URL of your music stream to have the tip jar announce in chat, the artist and song name of each track. This feature can be enabled or disabled.
Extra Features present in some tip jars
8/ Picture. Found in the DJ/Host section. Some tip jars have space to display a picture. The default picture is the owner's profile picture. It can be changed to a custom picture if you wish or disabled. If disabled, the panel will become invisible.
9/ Large text. Found in the DJ/Host section. If the tip jar includes a text display then the text shown can be customised and the color chosen. The text display can only show the normal character set. The default message includes your display name, but if your display name includes unusual characters then you will need to enter custom text to replace it, or turn off the text display.
Udates are supplied automatically when you rez the supply crate and a redelivery terminal is available in the Blue Dragon store.
See item in Second Life- 10 different styles
- Particle effects - Channel & Spotlight
- Menu driven
- Announces song name from stream
- Update system and redelivery available