Blueberry - Energy - COMMON - Catsuit - Sky *M* set
0 Reviews
set Blueberry - Energy - COMMON - Catsuit - Sky * M *:
# 25 Blueberry - Energy - Choker - Unrigged * Sky * and HUD
# 11 Blueberry - Energy - Catsuit - Maitreya * Sky * and HUD
# 21 Blueberry - Energy - Armlets - Maitreya and HUD
# 14 Blueberry - Energy - Boots - Maitreya * Sky * and HUD
# 8 Blueberry - Energy - Dress Zero - Maitreya * Sky * and HUD
All boxes are open and ready for use (to avoid surprises)
no copy, no modification, only the transfer!Gasha product
box to put on the ground and open manually
(make sure you take a group of land, or use a public sandbox)
L$ 350
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
Works with Mesh Avatars
More info
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0 Reviews
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
100% Mesh