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Blueberry - Minnie Winter Fur Coat - Maitreya, Belleza (All), Slink Physique Hourglass - ( Mesh ) Pixie

Blueberry - Minnie Winter Fur Coat - Maitreya, Belleza (All), Slink Physique Hourglass - ( Mesh ) Pixie
Blueberry - Minnie Winter Fur Coat - Maitreya, Belleza (All), Slink Physique Hourglass - ( Mesh ) Pixie
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Thank you very much for shopping at Blueberry ♥

The coats come with optional furs inside, optional shirts that can be color changed between gold or silver patterns or no patterns at all.
Belts and metals can also be color changed in the HUD.

The fat pack includes 8 winter shades that are exclusive to the fat pack.

The coats will work over most of your Blueberry products, including but not limited to your latest skirts, shorts, dresses and pants.

Please -always- try a demo.

This product comes in Belleza Venus + Isis + Freya, Maitreya Lara, Slink Physique + Hourglass sizes.

Please, try a demo.

If you have any trouble with your purchase, please send me a message and I'll try my best to help you.

This product is a original Blueberry design.

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L$ 199

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Sold by: Blueberryxx

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