Scratched up skatez with brown hounds tooth and black laces~just a few scratches and perfectly broken in and ready to wear!
Detailed sculpted shoes with original hand painted textures.
Shoes are COPY ONLY/no transfer/no modify.
Touch each shoe for resize menu~ single script in each shoe is deletable for less lag :)
Alpha layer is optional depending on your foot size.
~*~*~Would you like custom art on your shoes? Do you want your own name written in sharpie? Send me an IM or a notecard for pricing~custom orders available!
***textures and colors may appear slightly different on every computer due to different graphics settings.
****SCULPTS~ To make sculpts look their best:
Changing your LOD factor will not add lag to your SL nearly as much as draw distance and other graphics settings AND it will make your sculpted furniture clothing and more look so much better.
LOD(level of detail) SETTINGS for sculpts:
Objects appear best in the latest SecondLife viewer (SL V3/Firestorm v4 etc.) and having the LOD(level of detail) set to 4. The further away you look at an object it can lose its shape because of a low LOD(level of detail) setting. This helps with furniture, shoes, hair, clothing~ anything made with sculpts.
To help all sculpts look their best, setting your LOD(level of detail) to 4 can be very helpful:
*1~ Press ctrl+alt+shift+D (all 4 at the same time) to open the ADVANCED menu options. This will open a new tool bar tab at the top of your SL viewer.
*3~ In the ADVANCED window find " RenderVolumeLODFactor " and set value to 4.000
(Another way to find this in Firestorm easily:
click quick preferences button and type 4 or use the slider to change it to 4 in the LOD Factor box)
If you have any questions or need any help please IM me or leave me a NC and i will get back to you as soon as possible.
- single low lag deletable resize script in each shoe
- optional alpha layer