G 全般

B.o.E - DEMO - Steve Tank Top - red

B.o.E - DEMO - Steve Tank Top - red

Includes 2 versions for every size / mesh avatar:
Untucked and tucket versions

Materials are enabled

Available in different Version

Includes 5 standard sizes (xs,s,m,l,xs) and fitted mesh models for ADAM, Slink, Belleza Jake, Signature and TMP

The Meshbody Models are in some cases experimental, because there do not exist builder kits for all.
They will work for MOST shapes, however some of the extreme shapes will have trouble.
You will have to adjust this by using your alpha - HUD.

Second Life の商品を表示
  • rigged mesh
  • fitted mesh
  • standard sizing
  • TMP, ADAM, SLINK, signature, belleza jake
  • tucked and untucked