.:*BoSH*:. Encrypted PBR Material Changer
This Encrypted PBR Material Changer gives you options for change almost all primative parameters on prims and their faces (like as textures, colors, specular and normal maps, glow, shinnes, bumpiness, transparency, full bright, alpha mode, point light, projector etc) it is compatible with PBR materials. also keeps your all texture uuids safe with an encription.
► it can runs on ALL TYPE of objects and their FACES
● regular prims, sculpted, mesh, mixed linksets
► script only, that mean you can create complete your own hud with your prims and your textures for your needings.. there are no limit about button counts.
► each button can change "hundreds of parameters" together
► there is only "one script" in final items and HUD contents
► Runs on script not allowed lands
► it can be change diffuse "Textures"
► it can be change diffuse "Colors"
► it can be change "Specular" parameters
● specular map, glossiness, environment, specular color
► it can change the LL's default "Shininess" parameters
● none, low, medium, high
► it can be change "Normal" maps
► it can be change the LL's default "Bumpiness" parameters
● none, bright, dark, wood, bark, bricks, checker, concrette, tile,
stone, disks, gravel, blobs, siding, largetile, stucco, suction, wave
► it can be change "PBR" materials
► it can be change "Transparacy" levels
● can be make multi show/hide on prims and their faces.
► it can be change the "Alpha mode" for diffuse textures
● none, alpha blending, alpha masking, emissive mask
► it can be change "Glow" levels
► it can be change "Full bright" state
● on, off
► it can be change "Point light" and "Projector" options on prims
● color, texture, intensity, radius, falloff, fow, focus, ambiance
√ .:*BoSH*:. Encrypted PBR Material Changer Master script for HUD (no mod/copy/trans)
√ .:*BoSH*:. Encrypted PBR Material Changer scriptfor creations (no mod/copy/trans)
√ .:*BoSH*:. Encrypted PBR Material Changer License (no mod/copy/no trans) *
√ .:*BoSH*:. Encrypted PBR Material Changer [Sample] HUD for show button configurations (mod/copy/no trans)
√ .:*BoSH*:. Encrypted PBR Material Changer [DEMO] HUD for show final HUD (no mod/copy/no trans)
√ .:*BoSH*:. Encrypted PBR Material Changer [Sample] Item (mod/copy/no trans)
√ .:*BoSH*:. Encrypted PBR Material Changer how to setup notecard
√ .:*BoSH*:. Encrypted PBR Material Changer COMMANDS LIST notecard
√.:*BoSH*:. Main Store LM
*ATTENTION PLS: This script set protect wia license key..! The license is creator only and NO TRANS. Because of this, if you purches this set for your alt av, for your bussines partner or for your friends etc. please prefer to GIFT option. You can not register a new hud or object without this license. But you not need it to sell your licensed creations.
See item in Second LifeL$ 5,000
Land Required
This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.
More info
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed