Board Info (box)
-Info Board
Whats in the box?
-Info Board:
- The "Info Board" will allow your customers or visitors to take your info notecard, landmark, gift or join your group.
You leave a message
See your status online or offline
* Low prim (2 prim)
* Touch Buttons
-1 Info Board 2 prim
copy/mod/no trans
* Landmark: gives a landmark to anyone who clicks on the button.
* Notecard: given a notecard to anyone who clicks on the button.
* Gift: give a gift to anyone who clicks the button.
* Join Group: Displays the group link in local chat to anyone who clicks the button.
but it has entries in the group are free, it automatically detects the key of the object's group (the group must be assigned in the property of the object).
* Leave Message: ability to send a message to the owner of "Board Info" to anyone who clicks the button.
* Online / Offline: Indicates whether the owner of "Board Info" and online or offline.(online in green, offline in red)
1) Rezz the "Info Board"
2) Make a right click and edit
3) Delete the landmark, notecard and gift
4) Slide your landmark, notecard and gift
5) Add your photo or logo in place of "drag and drop your picture here"
-look my others item
- Info Board
- 2 prim
- copy,mod,no trans
- Touch Buttons
- 120 ls