This fun neon sign has eight light color texture options. It was originally made to coordinate with the Sledge furniture set, (see related items below.)
There is a small black box on the lower right of the sign, (it has a small cord coming from it.) If you click the color portion of the neon, you will get an immediate on/off, but not the menu. Click the box to access the menu.
Clicking the black box will allow you to turn the light on and off, and also to change the texture, brightness, radius, etc. You can also set user permissions to everyone/group/owner-only.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me an IM. Thanks! :)
See item in Second LifeAwesome creator does it again!
Well, it wasn't until after I bought this that I realized my immature interpretation of this "Boogie" sign probably wasn't the intent. XD So, this low-priced, high-quality creation can do double duty (resisting typing doody...and failed).
I just love all of Plato's items and highly recommend this and everything else in her shop!