Book Gateway Full Perm Mesh ♥
100% Original Mesh
17 LI - Open Door Script incluted - NO Animations Included.
Copy, Modify & Transfer
Texture, AO_Map, UV_Map & Normal Map Included.
* If you would like to see this item on SL, please go to my store inworld MayaSea Creations*
Contact me for any kind of problem, thank you ♥
The object can not be sold individually but only in your creations.
Purchasing this item, you accept the following TOS (Terms Of Service):
• You can't offer or give this item (or part of it) for free
• You can't sell this item (or part of it) as full perm
• You can't sell this item (or part of it) for less than 190L$
For the original file contact me thanks.
This is the most creative, magical, item I have ever found.. to say i love it is an understatement! This is something I could of only imagined up until now.. hehe Great job!!