A 32 Prim sculpted Boonie Hat with six menu-selectable patterns and three variants:
On head, chin strap front
On head, chin strap behind
Off head, hanging behind
Good stuff
The hat is cool and very detailed, maybe a bit out of proportion but that is more a sl issue than anything else. Probably their best item since you dont need to be at their land to get full use of it. Check for my picks in sl to see my story at their playground, you may want to check it before you buy any of their expensiver vehicles and stuff!.
love this hat
Love the detail of this hat wear it all the time while hunting drones. thanks for the amazing product and detailed
Ditto on the chin strap problem, but this is copy + mod, so you can hide or remove the strap altogether. I actually made my own sculpted (front) strap for it. Anyways, nice piece of headwear.
Nice hat, it's jungle out there, but the strap is lots too short for male AV. You got the choice: reshape a ridiculously big hat or have a strap half in your flesh...
For my AV's I had to choose the back head version so that the strap should not be seen in hairs. Nobody can see the strap problem, only the nice sculpted hat.
Still a nice hat, except this con.