Botha TreeHouse II
271 Prims
5000 sq.m. minimum land required
. Central Control
. Window Blinds
. Fireplace
. Lockable Doors
. Access List
. Dimmer Lights
. Land Scanner
Follow these steps to quickly setup your new building :
± Place your package (rezzer box) at the center of your land.
± Right-click on the box , choose Edit and keep it selected.
± Choose " Rez Building " from the menu (dialog).
± Wait a few seconds until the building rezzes.
± Position and rotate the box as pretended.
The building will follow the box movements.
± Now Click on " Save "...
! Your building is now ready to use !
Control Panel / Menu Functions :
::: Doors :::::::::::::::::
-Open / Close Doors: Opens or Closes all the doors.
-Lock / Unlock Doors: Locks all doors, except for the owner or names with access.
-Auto-Close: Enables or Disables the Auto-Close feature, and presents time
options in seconds. Doors will close automatically after use.
::: Lights ::::::::::::::
Light Dimmer: Adjusts your light intensity up to 100% or choose 0% to turn Off.
::: Access :::::::::::::::
Avatars with access will be able to use all locked doors, control panels and
touch-enabled items like fireplaces.
::: Scanner :::::::::::::::
Avatars without access will receive a warning to leave, and will be ejected
from your land if they don't leave in 30 seconds.
LAND SCANNER: Choose a radius ( up to 96m ) to scan for intruders
or disable the scan.
Please Note: The SCANNER management in the menu is for Owner-use only.
::. This model can be copied for neighbour use, the copies / houses in the same
neighbourhood will work independently without conflicts in communication.
Totally excellent
Excellent quality and great textures. The interior is spacious and very relaxing. Thanks for a great build, well worth the money.
Just got this today and really really love it! its modifiable so you can change the texture faces if you wish to and is just the perfect little home/hangout with an awesome view! totally worth the money compared to alot of builds out there, thankyou =)
Building OK, turnip looking tree is no.
Object is no mod, and there for was unable to remove the tree that looks like a huge brown turnip.
worth the money
I have the house.
It really is top class.
You can darken the panes. Need to click on the door does not look worth the demo itself, unfortunately it is too limited in time.
Unfortunately I accidentally deleted the house, which annoys me greatly.
Worth buying, really.