The GR 473 is a german steam engine, built in Germany in 1914-1918, given to Italy as war compensation after the WW1.
The item is furnished in 2 releases, both are copy/modif (including the sound script, in the boiler prim)
The first release is the steam locomotive (145 prims), linked to the Tender(47 prims) on a 25 meters railway (2 prims); for exhibition.
The second release is the same item but with the tender unlinked, to be abble to put your own scripts on the objets, depending of your railways method.
Both are placed in the box on that market place. Just go to the box content tab to copy the items in your inventory, or rezz them.
- Steam locomotive GR 473 + tender (linked)
- Steam Locomotive GR 473 + tender (unlinked)
- railway 25m