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Breakfast Buffet Platter - Menu Driven - Alternate Metaverse

Breakfast Buffet Platter - Menu Driven - Alternate Metaverse

Breakfast Buffet Platter - Menu Driven - Alternate Metaverse

Click platter for a menu- chose your favorite breakfast plate with a complete meal
Save to inventory, then wear the item to eat. Fully animated with eating motions and text chat.

A great addition to any breakfast table, dinners, banquet, outing or just as a meal for you and your SL friends !

Alternate Metaverse - Quality Virtual World Creations by Cataplexia Numbers Since 2007 for Second Life, InWorldz & Kitely Grids

Visit My SL Marketplace Stores
Cataplexia Numbers https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/60417

  • An enticing platter of sculpted breakfast treats
  • Click for a Menu- chose your favorite plate of breakfast foods
  • Animated and ready to enjoy!
  • 4 complete meals to chose from