Bumper Car Arena and Bumper Car (rez in 0 prim) Version 1.0
Bumper Car Arena [Amusement Ride]
Normal Price : L$999 Now L$500
before you buy, please have a test drive in In-world.
base area =45X45 meter
sculpted primitive
a mesh prim [staircase]
whole arena only 21 prims.......(low prims)...save prim and money
- Bumper Car
[no prim is counted when you rez a car, ball and box]
multicolored selection.
using menu driven
using remote [click to select the color and rez a car]
a driver seat and a passenger seat, [riding and sitting poses]
the car will automatic disappear after you stand up
the music will be played while riding the bumper car.
you also can rez balls and boxs
enjoy it
- 2025 offer 50%
its ok
I really like the colors and its nicely made. My only issue is that two players have already had their cart go upside down...or sideways. Other than that its good.
Very nice, but a couple of things to note
Job well done on this product.
- Only 21 prims for the arena and only 6 "temp" prims per car when rezzed.
- textures are very nice
- cars drive very well (best response I've seen yet on SL driving things)
- sound is way too low and no way to pump up the volume at all. In fact, it's so low, you can hardly hear it at all, especially if ambient sounds are present.
- I get that it's good to have the cars as temp rez (disappear when you stand), but there really should be an option where you can have some cars that just stay rezzed even when not being ridden. The cars seems to be only 6 PRIMS each, so not a huge hit. At least the option should be there as in other products I've seen.
I did edit one car, as a test and unchecked "Temporary", but it still disappeared when standing.
Still, a fun item to have in a games area.
L$ 499
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
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- User Licensed