C- Zuri's LeVian Heart Pendant Set Soft Sapphire/Dia-Platinum Version Pendant Set Soft Sapphire/Dia-Platinum
◣ This LeVian Heart Pendant Set has a mesh chain & is graced with a lovely soft sapphire heart surrounded by diamonds with matching earrings & compatible with mesh & classic avatars & would make the perfect gift for any day.
◣ Remember to use the gift option here in MarketPlace if the item is not for you!
◣ The model picture may not be the same color you are purchasing.
◣ Buy with confidence from SL's most reputable jeweler for 15 years now, known for amazing customer service.
◣ This item is COPY/No Transfer and has optional blings which are tiny and oh so elegant. Also this item has optional full bright found on the easy to use resize menu.
◣ Stop by to see it modeled before purchase if you like. Ask any sales representative at Zuri's Main Store in Jewels Isle.
◣ Thank you for looking!
Zuri Rayna - Zuri Rayna Jewelry
- ◣ Zuri's LeVian Heart Pendant Set Soft Sapphire/Dia-Plat. Partial Mesh
- ◣ Custom Textures only found at Zuri Rayna Jewelry
- ◣ Buy with confidence from SL's finest and most reputable jeweler.
- ◣ Amazing customer service should you need help
- Optional blings,resizers and fullbright options and this item is COPY/No Transfe
L$ 649
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
More info
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed