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(CC) Carnival Funfair: Clown College - bumper boats ride -circus park amusement

(CC) Carnival Funfair: Clown College - bumper boats ride -circus park amusement
(CC) Carnival Funfair: Clown College - bumper boats ride -circus park amusement
11 Reviews


-.Clown College Ride -
-Bumper Boats- - #CC11v.2-
Clown College is a Bumper Boat arena set inside a circus tent, with themed clown boats. Touch inside sign to rez a boat in center of a pool, sit on the boat and use arrow keys to move around. Bump into other players on other clown boats to send each other flying around. This ride features a realistic pool, 3 diferent sculpted clown head boats, synchronised fountains, clown picture panels, enter and exit ramps, and a sign on the sides that gives out free animal balloons!
It uses up 43 prims LI in two objects and is mostly sculpted, 20 prims are added for each clown bumper boat that is rezzed out to play on, these are temporary.
This ride is aprx 27m radius and 15m high.

-Not for use in areas with 'no push' on land, this will stop ride from working. Upgrade to v.2 includes more decorative mesh lighting posts and fixes a problem with rotation, LI went up by only one prim from 42 to 43.

This is my 11th carnival type ride, for links to some of the others I have made, see pictures below!

Would go well in any recreational or amusement area. Would look great in a theme park, carnival or circus.

Playland Park & Fish Factory:
Tons of free prizes through 7Seas Fishing and 24/7 Trivia, 25 carnival rides and many games!

Fish Factory Outlet Store: (w/ tons of vendors on the walls)

See item in Second Life
  • Great free to ride fun for visitors!
  • Unique & Creative group activity
  • great fun for kids!
  • fully scripted with sounds!
  • Great activity to help traffic!
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 2 star:
  • 1 star:
Cute and reasonably priced
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 15, 2022 by Inara Sugarplum

I have several rides from this builder and she does a great job and has unique ideas and twists on the rides she creates. This ride is fun. Like bumper cars but on water.

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splash bounce
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 30, 2019 by ravendust

Ok this ride is a laugh and a 1/2 love it

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L$ 385

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Playland Park & Fish Factory
Playland Park & Fish Factory
Sold by: Celeste Cazenove

Land Required

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: Partial Mesh
Land Impact: 43