C&C - Chakra Shelf - Root
Chakras are points on the body where various energies resonate.
There are many chakras with in the human body, but 7 are most commonly referred to.
From head to toe they are:
Crown - Sahasrara ::: "I know" ::: B ♪
Third Eye - Ajna ::: "I See" ::: A ♪
Throat - Vishuddha ::: "I speak" ::: G ♪
Heart - Anahata ::: "I Love" ::: F ♪
Solar Plexus/Naval - Manipura ::: "I Do" ::: E ♪
Sacral - Svadhisthana ::: "I Feel" ::: D ♪
Root - Muladhara ::: "I Am" ::: C ♪
Each of these points on the body corresponds to specific tones, colours, crystals, health issues and powers - spiritually, mentally, physically.
When these centers are lacking, over powered, or out of balance; we feel these imbalances through out our body in various ways.
There is much more to learn about chakras, and the study alone can be a very wide and personal one.
How to use the singing bowls!
All singing bowls are touch activated. When the bowl is touched it will play a specific tone in tune with its corresponding chakra.
The longest lowest tone is 10 seconds and the shortest highest tone is 4 seconds.
The crystal bowls are tuned from C - A, starting from the Root Chakra all the way to the Crown Chakra.
If the bowl comes with a shelf, then touching the shelf part will bring a drop down menu with various texture options.
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See item in Second Life- Materials Enabled
- Texture Change
- Touch for Sound