One of the essential multipurpose stones, this crystal has been used by various civilizations for centuries. It is widely agreed upon that this stone can substitute any missing one you may need (effects will be diminished in certain cases). Many versions of quartz exist, each with unique aura.
Associated with:
Purity, cleansing, power, amplifying, programming, memory, energy grids, divination
Chakra: All, especially the 7th, Crown Chakra
Element: All
This is just a teeny taste of information; as always we encourage you to explore, read, chat, search and seek out more information on anything you find calls to you or you are interested in.
Check out the video link below to see materials and model
If there is a base/pillow/holder, just touch item to get a drop down menu with texture options.
You can find stones in the Spiritual Items section of the store.
Everything at {C&C} is made with RL ties, by RL practitioners of the craft. Every pairing of numbers, cards, sigils, or stones is directly related to a spiritual belief or practice.
Any issues or questions for {Candle and Cauldron} please IM November Nighthearth or Corvus Forestwalker and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
Broomsticks and Blessings,
C&C Staff
- Materials Enabled
- Texture Change Bases
- Multiple models
Beautiffuly Designed
Everything from this designer is well made, beautiful and includes educational opportunities.
I have many, many of her items, and have never had a single complaint.