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#CC# Dragonhunter black Outfit

#CC#   Dragonhunter black Outfit

5x Armor & 1x Armor with flexi Cape for Niramyth (resizeable), 5x Cape & 2x Bracer (resizeable), Belt Buckle & Boots (resizeable), Pants, Top.

Applier for TMP, Slink, Omega Advanced ( You need the Omega Advanced Script !!! ).

The Niramyth Clothes-Layer has a basic Alpha-Mask setting, this means transparent & laced clothes are not correct displayed. You can solve this simply by editing and enable the Alpha-Blending. This is not an Applier Issue!

Detailed information about Niramyth Alpha-Settings you can find in this tutorial: http://www.niramyth.com/#!advanced-tutorial/cv52

Try Demo !!!

  • 5x Armor & 1x Armor with flexi Cape for Niramyth (resizeable)
  • 5x Cape & 2x Bracer (resizeable), Pants, Top
  • Belt Buckle & Boots (resizeable)
  • Applier for TMP, Niramyth, Omega Advanced
  • Resizerscript / Posestand / Standard Shapes