* U-Paint-It - A paint system that lets you paint your bike with the textures of your choice. It also has an unlock feature to let others paint your bike.
* Rename feature so that you can add a custom name to your bike
* Explode option in the Extra's Menu that will let you blow your bike into pieces. You can explode it now or on a timer up to 2mins.
* 6 Speed Transmission with Reverse
* Nitro boost to give you that extra burst of speed on those long stretches
* Manual button in the main menu that brings you to our website
* Passenger system with matching Driver & Passenger poses that change automatically when the driver changes pose- all adjustable
* Customization menu with tons of combination's to chose from. Shine, rims, colors and much more
* 8 colors of the default paint included
* Engine automatically turns off when not in drive and automatically turns back on when you go back into drive.
* Eject feature added for those unwanted guests
* Horn feature added to the menu for quick and easy honking
* Working headlights & taillights on bikes that have them
* Low prim (max of 31 prims)
* No HUDS needed everything is menu operated
* 4 Different Camera views
* Lock & Unlock Feature
* Scripted in mono to keep lag down
* Free Updates for life
Two pose sizes included to fit male or female.
If you'd like to test our bikes we have fully testable demos at our main store in Route 66. You can try everything from poses to paint choices.
Any questions can be addressed by contacting Creep Wolff or Dawn Ember via IM or Notecard.
See item in Second Life- U-Paint-It - A paint system that lets you put your own textures onto the bike
- Fun Poses to make you laugh !!!
- Explodes !!!! Time it up to 2 mins
- 3 Fun Poses in Every Mini !!!! (including drive))