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<CC#/> Rescaler Builder Edition ~ Rescale, Resize, Position Prims In Your Creations Version 1.00

<CC#/> Rescaler Builder Edition ~ Rescale, Resize, Position Prims In Your Creations

=[CC# Rescaler Builder Edition]=

Rescaler is an LSL resize script intended for clothing attachments in Second Life. Drop the script into your linked clothing attachment and distribute to your customers. They will be able to touch the attachment and scale, rotate, and position along any and all axes either individual prims and the attachment itself to meet their fashion need and then remove the script.

I've used the script for other things, too, like rescaling linksets for furniture and so on.

Just drop the script in, set the permissions, and package up.

One special note. The script isn't running by default. In Firestorm, edit your object, go to inventory, select the script. Then go to Build->Scripts->Set Scripts to Running ... You may also want to Build->Scripts->Reset Scripts to make sure that the script gets the right default size, rotation, and position.

Once the script is in, just click the object. A dialog box will pop up with a few options. The important ones here are prim and object to tell the script what you want to mess with. You can also go directly to the main menu and then there's undo and reset, which we'll get into later.

Once you select whether you're working with a single prim or the entire object, you can then select the action that you want to take: rotate, scale, and position. Each action can happen on the global X axis, Y axis, Z axis, and all collective axes (XYZ) ... This is an important distinction, though one you'll likely never have to think of. In SL, there are two sets of measurements, "global", and a local set of coordinates based on the location and rotation of the root prim.

At any point, you can select "reset" to reset the object back to it's original state.

Undo will let you do just what it says: undo the last change. There are some caveats here. It only does undo on local adjustments. Rotating and positioning the entire object itself isn't in the undo stack (though scaling is). And a cool side effect, is that undo again will "redo" the last undo.

-[On Root Prims]-
Root prims are kind of holy in Second Life and play by their own rules. It's best not to even bother, as they guide the positioning and rotation for everything else, leading to situations where they don't behave like you'd expect them to.

I highly recommend using an invisiprim as a root prim. Give this root prim a rotation of 0,0,0 and then build your product around that. This leaves your actual product as a collection of individual child prims that can be tinkered with by your customer without any odd behavior (or at least consistent odd behavior!)

Rescaler Builder Edition is NO MOD/COPY/TRANSFER ... You are explicitly given permission to distribute the script in your creations. The snag here is that you have to remove either COPY or TRANSFER permissions from the script when you distribute it. It'll grumble at you if you don't. :) The better approach is usually to just set the permissions on the script once instead of doing it when you drop it in to your product.

That said, here's the standard generic please be nice disclaimer. I don't charge a ton of money for this, so please don't give it to friends and your alts full perm. Of course I can't stop you, and I'm not going to waste my time or yours trying to sound like a lawyer spouting crap that we all know isn't enforceable. So I'll just ask nicely. :)

Updates to Rescaler are free for as long as I'm making them. I use several automated systems to distribute updates. Rescaler comes with an update orb that you can rez which will check for updates automatically. If you keep it rezzed, it will periodically check for updates, as well. This doesn't update any scripts that you've distributed, however. How you want to distribute those updates to your customers is completely up to you. Sometimes I'll just send an update out directly, if I feel the situation warrants it, though that's rare, indeed.

You're always welcome to contact me (LordVanir Dragovar) with any questions. I get in world messages emailed to me, so you don't need to worry about a notecard. Indeed, as I check my email a lot more regularly than I log in, the quickest way is a direct message.

You can also check out the Cranial Code blog at http://CranialCode.BlogSpot.com ...

You rule, and I appreciate you! Happy creating!

See item in Second Life
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Top Creator !! Good product
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 26, 2024 by Frankk Parisi

I had an issue with the product, and contacted the creator. He came back to me really quick and was very understanding and kind about it - immediate refund etc etc .. How i wish other creators were as good about things. I hope to get the script working (I think it struggles with single prims but this is as much a LL issue/ LSL!) Anyway, as for LordVanir - Great guy and someone to be trusted. RECOMMENDED !!!

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