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{C&C} Water Candle Shrine

{C&C} Water Candle Shrine
{C&C} Water Candle Shrine
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Candle shrines can often be a simple way to bring some spirituality into your space or pay homage to something in specific.

They can be used in decor, in memory of, rituals, mediation, and in any way that they speak to you.


We designed these shrines to give everyone a respectful way to honor, or show off, their beliefs; in a low prim and visually pleasing fashion.

There are multiple versions available, each with its own meanings, symbology, and spiritual significance.

Shrines are also materials enabled and use point lighting if you have your graphics set to the appropriate level.


Operation is simple.

Touch any part of the shrine to light or put out the candle.


Everything at {C&C} is made with RL ties, by RL practitioners of the craft. Every paring of numbers, cards, sigils, or stones is directly related to a spiritual belief or practice.

Any issues or questions for {Candle and Cauldron} please IM November Nighthearth or Corvus Forestwalker and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

{C&C} Staff

See item in Second Life
  • Touch On/Off
  • Materials Enabled
  • Point Lighting

L$ 75

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Candle & Cauldron
Candle & Cauldron
Sold by: Grey Velvet

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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  • User Licensed
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Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 2