CCCP BN4 - Russia
it is a Russian car
what has changed
1. all new drive poses
2. high powered projector headlights
3. new color card with 121 colors
4. a tune up
it has 7 cars in the box !! 5 different paint jobs and 2 color hud versions
all 4 doors and the hood open
seats 4 people
All the prims are MOD
Mesh car
Custom Texture
Detailed Interior
Has the "look and feel" of the real one
Music Player
DRIFTS - hold down Shift key while turning
color hud versions and unique paint jobs on the rest
customizable plate - put you pic in
Adjustable seating
Functioning light system
Opening doors, hood
People in the car (Driver + 3 passengers
BURNOUT/REV by hud (included with instructions)
Burnout smoke
The handling is fully adjustable via menu
It's a blast to drive and it's priced right
You are really going to "like" this one
- ACSv7 scripts + driver hud
- opening doors,hood
- Color hud
- adjustable seating,working lights
- custom plate,seats 4 people