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{C.C.M.} Enchanted Faun - Witchcraft

{C.C.M.} Enchanted Faun - Witchcraft

This is one of the 6 versions, includes:
Rigged Mesh Hooves
Hair Flowers
Body Shiny Tattoo Layer

Maitreya Body Appliers:

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Love it!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 19, 2018 by JoannaVou

I love it! I've been searching for faun's legs both in world and on the marketplace for hours now. I have to say that without a doubt this pack is a steal! We get not only the legs, but also also the top, ears, horns, tail and flowers! I also bought the maitreya appliers and what can I say? It looks fabulous! Thank you so much for this bargain!!! Muah ♥
Great work!!!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 06, 2015 by Archer Candycane

This is amazing for the price. It really really is, you get so much for you L. I had a hard time making the legs fit my maitreya body, but because i got the black version it worked out, it's hard to see the flaws, but with a lighter color one i could see it being an issue. My only wish is that it came with an unrigged version of the legs... but still amazing amazing creativity for a really really good price!! TYSM

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Holy Sweet Baby Cheezits!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 28, 2015 by LoolaBoola

I am blown away by the level of skill Misanthropiae has.. Not to mention the pricing is spectacular! I recommend this set, and the others to anyone that is looking for a great set of faun legs. They are PERFECT and gorgeous.
Now keep in mind, for just 70 L, you are getting the entire "outfit" legs, shirt, ears, horns.... Not to mention a cute little flower for your hair.
Thank you CCM! Love it!

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