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(C)EVIL Girl By CHAMPAGNE!sparkling couture

(C)EVIL Girl By CHAMPAGNE!sparkling couture



Calling all Fearless Fashionistas! All Hallow's Eve is upon us once again and CHAMPAGNE! Sparkling Couture is releasing the perfect costume for all your Halloween events: EVIL!

If ever there was sexy and deliciously wicked couture, this is it! For both the boys and the girls, EVIL is an eye-popping, fun, and spicy way to celebrate Halloween.

The ladies' version of Evil begins with a hawt red leather bikini embellished with a devilish face and horns in the front and a red devil's tail at the back! A magnificent red winged back-piece is the focal point of EVIL, and is chock full of fiendishly fabulous detail, including a circle of spikes with skulls framing your head and ruby red jewels (attached to the front and back of the circular pieces that join the wings). Study the jewels carefully -- each appear to have a devil's face embedded in it! Strands of red chains dangle from each wing providing flowing movement when you walk or dance.

No devil can be seen around the grid without a pitchfork and one is provided with EVIL, as well as hooved legs to complete this goulishly glamorous costume.

CHECK THE STORE : Men version available!

Top SL Models Colt Jonstone and Falbala Fairey appear on our vendors and ads for EVIL.