G Generell

CG Small Aztec Pyramid Demo

CG Small Aztec Pyramid Demo

**DEMO** Small Aztec Pyramid (5x5x5 and .5x.5x.5) Resizes to within SL limits. This full permission mesh Pyramid has a 1L LE, Please be aware that resizing Mesh items will increase their land impact. This Original mesh Pyramid was created with many details for realism in your builds. The Pyramid is walk able up the sides at a larger scale. Demo Includes textured and un-textured and 2 sizes

All full permission items from Cali Girl are for your Creations and resale opportunities. Anything you build with them you are free to sell or give away. to your friends Providing you follow the TOS and copyright requirements

Permissions and Copyright requirements

* Copy means you can use this mesh item repeatedly, it will not run out. Without that permission, a Mesh would be un-usable for any purpose besides personal use.
* Modify means you can alter the Mesh to meet your needs IE Color or create your own new and unique textures, resize or anything you can think of to enhance your builds, script and sell or just personal use in SL
* Transfer means that the second person (you) can create your own unique items and sell it as your own

Transfer does NOT mean you can give or sell the Mesh 'as' a Full permission item to your friends or sell to customers as a full perm item. giving away as full permission is against TOS and a is copyright infringement.
We reserve the right to have Linden Lab remove any content that we believe goes against these rules in accordance with DCMA. Please see http://secondlife.com/corporate/dmca.php for more information.

You may use this mesh item for your own private use or to resell providing you change permissions to
Copy/mod NO trans
or trans/mod NO copy
you may not sell with copy and transfer permissions

Please respect the integrity of our creators and do not allow copyright infringement

Selling: i see many creators restrict your selling price and require a certain price point, this is to keep you as a reseller viable and allow a fair competition for goods. We are selling this to you for a fair prices and do respectfully ask you to keep your resell amount at a minimum of 50% of the purchase price. If used as part of a build then please keep the full build at a minimum of the full purchase price this is to ensure you do not get under cut and keep your items desirable within the community. Of course you may sell your creations for as much as you thin your item is worth providing you follow the Minimum of 50% stand alone or 100% as a included item in a build. Personal use and gifting to your friends is as you see fit.. these are your friends

If you have any questions or wish to speak to a Cali Girl representative please feel free to contact
Asteia Babii
Jordyn Serenity
Alysa Valiant
Ciara Ashton

Brightest blessings to you and your and may your SL bring you joy
Asteia Babii

  • 2 sizes for Demo
  • Textured Demo
  • Unscripted
  • textures available with FP Purchase
  • resizes easily low 1 LE