G General

CJ Liberty Iron Patio Set with Arbor Props + Sound

CJ Liberty Iron Patio Set with Arbor Props + Sound

CJ Creations presents:

Gorgeous Arbor with hanging Bird Feeder, lovely Iron Patio Set with Props in Table & more..

What you get:
Box add + follow Menu to unpack

"CJ Liberty Iron Patio Set "

*Chair 3 Prim copy/mody with props (copy) - Scripts no mody
18 Single Animations with high quality for Him/Her + Props. Drink Coffee, Wine or read the News ..
**Eat Animations inside for your own Placemat or Meal

*Table with diff. lovely Props by touch (all deco)
3 Prims copy/mody - Scripts no mody / Props -> copy

*CJ Liberty Gate with Bird Feeder
5 Prim copy/mody - Scripts no mody
**Animated Bird by touch on/off the Bird
**Birdsound on/off by touch the Arbor

*CJ Liberty Iron Chair Planter
3 Prim copy/mody

*CJ Liberty Pathway
2 Prims - copy/mody

All copy/mody - Scripts no mody + Props only copy
16 Prims full Set (1 Chair, Table, Arbor, Pathway + Planter)

Pics are made only with Windlightsetting / SL at my home

Enoy! ♥

Caren Jewell
CJ Creations

See item in Second Life
  • 16 Prims full Set
  • copy + mody - scripts no mody
  • Props copy
  • Sound in Arbor by touch (on/off)
  • Anim. Bird on Feeder by touch (on/off)