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CKit Falconry Saker Gyrfalcon Pair Version 3.0

CKit Falconry Saker Gyrfalcon Pair

NOTE: The birds in this crate are Mesh so you must have a mesh enabled viewer to use them.
These hybrid Falcons are a cross between a Gyrfalcon (largest of the Falcons and "the Falcon of Kings") and a Saker Falcon (resilient and one of the most beloved of hunting companions). Send them off to hunt for mice or take advantage of a sudden rain shower and let them take a bath! They'll spy a stray grasshopper flying by and off they go after it, sometimes successfully bagging a snack! Send them off to wander for a minute by the Menu, make them go to sleep, rename them, etc.
Included in the crate are the resizable shoulder and hand-held Saker Gyrfalcon, a version of each with no chat (for people who rp) and a Basic version (attached to the shoulder) with lower script impact.

You can now send your Falcon to a perch. The included perch is 1 prim. You can remotely send your Falcon to anyplace on the sim you've rezzed a perch with the HUD. More perch styles are available in the shop.

If you rez the Basic version to the ground, you can have it follow you or send it to a perch. You can remotely control it with the HUD. Use the "Comeback" call and your bird will fly to a spot at your feet. (If you have a Black Saker Falcon they will sit side by side).

Two HUDs included (use one or both), one for the individual bird, and a second you can set up to control multiple CKit Birds with just the birds you own showing.

Note: It's best to stay away from sim borders and below 4096.

The animations for the Hand version are set at priority 4. If you are wearing an AO that uses priority 4 and the same upper body areas you may see a conflict with the animations. Included with this version are lists of Animations from various creators that will not conflict with holding a bird. I'm always looking for more to add to the list, so if you have any suggestions, let me know! =)
3.0 Models have been re-Meshed and Scripted for Lower Impact

REZZED OBJECTS.................................LAND IMPACT
Attached Falcons (if rezzed to ground)
Saker Gyrfalcon_Basic......................................7
Saker Gyrfalcon_Forearm.................................8 (11 Prims)
Saker Gyrfalcon_Shoulder.................................8
Perch Falcon........................................................7
Bathing Falcon.....................................................8
Bathing Water (Bathing).......................................2
Follower Falcon....................................................6
Hunting Falcon.....................................................9
Deer Mouse (Hunting).5mice(max) x 2LI............10
Cheese (Hunting).................................................1

(These numbers are assuming Second Life isn't hiccuping at the time...)

3.0 updates have gone out. Please contact me if you did not receive yours. =)

~ You can now see this bird at the CKit Falconry Shop located in Ezquerra. ~

CKit Falconry in-world shops:

Ezquerra: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ezquerra/17/124/32
Water Horse: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Water%20Horse/39/204/26
Teegletown Mall: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Teegle/21/154/22

BLOG: https://ckitfalconry.blogspot.com/
FLICKR: https://www.flickr.com/photos/148098591@N08

See item in Second Life
  • Animated Shoulder & Hand Falcons (resizable).
  • Choose 1 of 2 HUDs to control your Falcon.
  • Menu Driven as well as random behavior.
  • Petting animations, a riding animation, hunting and bathing.
  • Send your Falcon to a Perch. (Perch included)
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Cant delite my Soul GOD Blesed your family the best work in SL
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 04, 2023 by SicilijanosSosas

If I could give you a gift
It would be peace.
Peace of mind
Peace of Heart

Peace of mind
would be for you to know
that someone loves you.
Peace of Heart
would be for you to know
that you are free to go.
Siclijano Sosa

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I love you
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 15, 2022 by SicilijanooSossa

you olves present me Falcones now i hawe so smal money becouse mcuh akounts sl delite me and stil money boot i by your the best wokr GOD blesed you and your family in glory GOD i bu Falcone the best in www net
Sicilijano Sosa

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wonderful work
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 27, 2016 by Silhenna

iam so happy i bought it and its perfect for rp. thank you so much for this great work

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 19, 2016 by DollyNancy

Well done, Really like the menu its simple and even a newby as me can use the menu ^^
The falcon looks real realistic love how the head moves when she go a sleep..You can perfect edit it that it fits on you shoulder or hand..When use the hunt you can see the falcon eating a mouse wich i real love
I have buy-ed a lot pets in SL . But this one is the top ..I have rezz the petbox unpack the box added the pet and it worked with no problems ..everything is explained in detail with the note..And i must say i was first reading the reviews and wasn't sure if i would buy it ..But this is for sure worth every LIN i spend on ..I have a few kittycats breedable ..But if i had this falcon first i would never buyed the Kittycats :) This is for sure 5 rate worth ..Sorry for my english but its not my main language greetings

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What a wonderful bird
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted February 20, 2016 by Lugh Flagon

I wanted this for over a year, but kept putting it off. I have read the reviews of it, seen a video and I just couldn't wait anymore. The only thing I don't find useful is the alpha layer the glove. Since it hides both hands I didn't like that. The same goes for the glove layer. Great poses, sounds, flights and fun hunting abilities.

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The Best of the Best!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 04, 2016 by EbonyCutiePie

There is just so many things I can say to praise this product! To spare your eyes I'll just say the saker birds are incredible beautiful and I have not regretted the purchase yet. Buy it, you'll fall in love with the pairs immediately. I wish these came in a furniture form.

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