Great mesh bed for the greatest price you can find on second life.
Holds 2 menus, 6 submenus en 69 animations including single, couples, adult, reading and sleeping.
All coming with a wide variety of poses and single poses can be used with two at the same time. Low land impact of 8 and everything you wish for single chilling, loving with 2 or more steaming hot.
Bed can be adjusted in size.
Ideal for all types of homes and offices
Item is copy 'n' mod
In case of any problems feel free contact: Crixus Domenici.
- bed
No mod
I just read permissions section,says it is mod. and copy,sadly it is not mod.
Also try to contact with creator no luck:)..Animations and creation of structure it is great,maybe i would change something if i could.
The bed is NOT modifiable!
As the title states, the bed is no modify.