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CO PhotoBook - Platinum

CO PhotoBook - Platinum

CO PhotoBook allows you to display photos or presentations to clients, colleagues or friends without having to transfer your images. Zoom functionality is enabled for SL Viewer 2.0 + Users. Click keyboard and scroll in to view close up. Edit and drag your photos from inventory and click to display as you show and tell.

Please note: This laptop cannot be rezzed out on land that you do not own if the landowners do not grant rights to rezz. Otherwise, please contact me if you are having issues with this product.

Platinum Edition

  • Sleek Laptop Design
  • Add Your Own Photos
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Save the Ls
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted March 09, 2019 by JacobODuel

Terrible looking, would be better to give you Ls to a noob

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