CODE-5 Real Spank Face For Mens Version 04
Firstly Thank you for purchasing.
All Head with Compatible
and more.......
Leave one side of what you see until now. You are about to buy something unique.
It is very easy to use. Comes with nice specs.
independent left and right Face. Completely custom made sounds. These are Nor Freebie or Full perm voices. And Animations special edition.
The Script simulates the Face reddening, a single slap won't really leave a mark, but several will make the Face redden much faster and will remain red for a little while.
When someone slaps you, they will not redden with a slap. After a few slaps, it will start to redden slowly. If somebody keeps slapping you still, it will be more red and you will start to breathe in pain. This redness will stay for a while. And will slowly improve. This is really the best made product up to now. It is quite enjoyable and completely customizable. If you want if you can change its animation and the voices.
There is automatic emote. And there is a shake animation when someone slaps you. And the sounds of slap and the sounds of moaning. With some settings you can turn off animations, sounds and chat.
Be happy and smile. like this =)
Any suggestions and complaints or to get information about usage, feel free to contact with me from it
manual needs an update
the manual states:
"menu" brings up main menu for owner.
it listens on channel 8
so you have to type "/8 menu" in chat to get the menu.
nice product though, just need to add that to the notecard for the next update
I sorry, not fit well the face...
All function is amazing, and very good the modifiable thing, but very hard edit to face for realistic fitting, and never will fit the object well the face... just will be something bubble around face... taking good close up photo only from some direction possible, but for fun, is great stuff, I love it!
L$ 480
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
This item contains wearable items for your avatar.
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- User Licensed