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C>P>D> V217x-lp-St3 Meshrim007.010 (fp)

C>P>D> V217x-lp-St3 Meshrim007.010 (fp)

Here it is, the first of many to come in the new line of mesh wheels from C>P>D>.
This new design began in world as a sculpted wheel not previously unreleased and has been upgraded to be the best looking custom wheels in all of SL. These wheels come in 1 prim 1 LI, and look amazing. several faces for your color and texture modifications, including separate hub, spoke, rim, tire, brake, and lugs. Get them while they are hot and be sure to stay tuned in for more releases from the most realistic looking custom wheel manufacturer in Second Life.

Lower Price In-World

If you are a car maker who knows their stuff, then you realize that the wheels on a car set the entire appearance, so you also know that a good investment in a nice workable customizable set of wheels will take your car very far in sales as well as compliments. Do yourself and your customers a favor and buy C>P>D> rims for all of your vehicles. You will not regret it.

(full perms: no reselling, no sharing with friends, no pooling money between avatars to purchase and share. This item is designed for car builders who would sell these rims as part of a project, and only sold with transfer or copy permissions revoked for next owner. See notecard inside for more details)

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