G General

!CTI Masenko

!CTI Masenko

Masenko (魔閃光; Literally meaning "Demon Blast") is an energy wave used by Gohan and Cell, but it was respectively taught by or taken from Piccolo. The attack is performed by the user placing both hands above the head with the palms facing the target and one hand in front of the other with the fingers going in opposite directions. When the user thrusts their hands forward, they call the name and fire a beam of yellow, white, or orange energy.

Gohan used this attack for the first time in response to Nappa killing Piccolo, to no avail. He then used it many times throughout the Vegeta, Namek, Captain Ginyu, and Frieza Sagas, though it was mistakenly named Kamehameha in the Ocean Dub. Piccolo also used it against Frieza to no effect in Dende's Demise. In the Garlic Jr. Saga, Gohan used Masenko beams to dispatch Garlic Jr.'s henchmen. Piccolo has supposedly used this move once before, but it could be mistaken for his Explosive Demon Wave, where he shouts, "Masenko!"