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(CTS) TerrainScanner Version 2.0

(CTS) TerrainScanner

1. What Does It Do? --- A Short Description

The Terrain Scanner will create a 3D model of a the terrain of sim, which, for instance, can be used as a map or as a basis for a sim scanner.
The entire sim terrain is replicated as a textured sculpted prim.

2. Usage

To start the scanning process, rez the TerrainScanner object on the ground.
You will see the commands as floating text above the scanner object and in local chat.
If you're excited about the scanner and want to try it out quickly, just type
scan region
in local chat, and it will start scanning the entire sim you're in.
You can also just scan the current parcel; for that you'd type
scan parcel

See below for detailed command descriptions.

It will take around 30 seconds (or more, depending on lag) until the scanning process is completed.
After that, you will see a URL in local chat from which you can download the sculpt texture.
Download the image and upload it into SL as a texture. Make sure you choose lossless compression.
The TerrainScanner rezzes and textures a prim for you to which you can apply the sculpt texture
(right click the prim, choose "Edit", then, in the "Object" tag drag your sculpt texture into the respective field).

If you want your name as the creator of the sim model, you can create your own sculpted prim
using your generated sculpt texture. Choose "Plane" as stitching type.
To texture the model with the sim map, replace the UUID in the included
SetTexture script with the UUID which is chatted to you by the TerrainScanner after completing the
scanning process and drop the script into your sculpted prim.
The script will texture the prim and remove itself automatically.

2.1 Scanner Commands

• Setting the size of the square to scan:
size <size_in_m>
in local chat, where <size_in_m> is the size of one side of the square in meters.
size 64
will scan a 64x64 m² piece of land once you start the scanning process.
Whe you rez the scanner, the size is set to 256 (entire sim) by default.

• Setting the starting position for scanning:
offset <offset_x>, <offset_y>
in local chat to set the lower left corner (the minimum x and y coordinates) of the square to scan.
The coordinates are measured in meters, and are what you see in your viewer's position indicator.
They are coordinates relative to the sim you're in (local sim coordinates).
offset 128,192
will start scanning a square piece of land at the coordinates (128, 192).
Make sure that the piece you're scanning is within the sim you're in. If you exceed your sim, you'll get
a nonsense result.
When you rez the scanner, the offset is set to (0, 0) (i.e., start at the sim corner) by default.

• Setting the z-scaling factor:
You can choose to make variations in land height more (or less) pronounced in your model.
To do that, you can manually specify a z-scaling factor. If you leave the scaling factor to the default
unchanged, the factor allowing for the most variation throughout the sim is chosen.
You can set the scaling factor by typing
scale <z_scaling_factor>
in local chat.
scale 1
will effect that each meter in height corresponds to one unit of the sculpt.
scale default
will reset the z-scaling to its default behavior, i.e., such that the best scaling factor (measured over the entire sim)
is used.

• Starting the scan:
in local chat, and the scan will be started with your current settings.
If you type
scan parcel
scan region
the current parcel or the entire sim will be scanned, respectively.
Using one of these commands will override any manually set scanning sizes and offsets, but not the z-scaling factor.

3. Operation Dependences

This device relies on the following web services:

- www.carlyletheassolutions.com -- for the sculpt texture generation
- www.gridsurvey.com -- for the retrieval of the region's object texture

See item in Second Life
  • Create a 3D model of the terrain of a sim
  • Generates a sculpt texture for a one-prim sculpted prim
  • Simply rez the scanner and apply the generated texture to the sim model prim
Average rating: full star full star full star half star empty star
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Very decent little tool for 200 lindens!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 18, 2024 by Trixie Seomun

I bought this back in 2015 . . . 9 yrs later and it is still working great. I have found he texture it creates is not that great ~ if you have a surround sim scenery thing . . that usually shows up as some skewed fat bar across the texture. I usually just use the main ground texture for that. The sculpty texture is great though ~ its not perfect but it works great for small maps of your place. Anyways, I have found it very useful over the years.

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Worked for me
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 07, 2023 by Night Starchild

Does just what i needed and what the listing says.


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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted July 14, 2022 by Djohr

The part is scrap, not even Carlyle Theas, the alleged creator as she poses here, gets it under control so you can't sell it now it's claimed that wasn't her impertinence
Das Teil ist Schrott nicht mal Carlyle Theas die angebliche erstellerin wie sie sich ja hier ausgibt bekommt das im griff so kann man das nicht verkaufen nun wird behauptet das sei nicht von ihr unverschämtheit
I'll build a window right away, that's the best way to throw away the money
Ich baue gleich ein fenster da kann man am besten das geld rauswerfen

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It is a terrans scanner back to the future.
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted December 26, 2014 by Studcrusher

I used the scanner and it presented me with a over head view of the parcel as it looked 4 days prior, but it was 80% accurate for that day..
Don't forget it takes 10L to upload that sculpt texture.
The initial promo page for the scanner at http://carlyletheassolutions.com/terrainscanner.php shows in clear print that it costs 99L on the presented image. In market place is shows 199L w/o ,mentioning teh price difference

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 03, 2012 by Blue Cirrus

Dont be put off by the low price, this is a great product! If only it had the option to produce a .raw file it would be perfect.

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