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*Caaruzo's* Jukebox (copyable version)

*Caaruzo's* Jukebox (copyable version)

✪ Buy this product inworld to get it cheaper!


~ ☠ ~ *Caaruzo's* Jukebox Manual ~ ☠ ~


❶ Songlist
- Touch this button to pick a song from the list, to play
- use the arrows to page forward or page back

❷ Play
- This button starts playing the current song

❸ Stop
- Push this button to stop the current song

❹ Volume
- change the volume of the played songs
- possible volume levels are:
* 9%
* 18%
* 27%
* 36%
* 45%
* 54%
* 63%
* 72%
* 81%
* 90%
* 100%
- info (its still depended on your viewer settings also, mute sounds in viewer will mean
you can't hear the music

❺ Settings
- Access
* here you can set the accesslevel of the jukebox
* possible levels: public, group, owner
* restriction is for the whole use
* change access setting and ignore song feature is every time just usable by the owner

- Loop Song
* change the repeat mode for the songs
-> Loop off: deactivate the repeat, jukebox stops after current song is played 1 time
-> Loop Song: repeats the current song all the time
-> Loop All: repeats the whole song list all the time (except the ones added to ignorelist)

- Ignore Songs
* this feature allows you, to remove songs from the songlist, without needed delete
them from the Jukebox inventory
* you can keep them save in the jukebox
-> add: adds a Song to the ignorelist
-> remove: remove song from ignore list

❻ misc buttons
- the button "^" switches the menu back to top level of the category
- "close" means closing the menu save and remove listener to prevent lag


Thank you for buying @ *Caaruzo's*

Feel free to check out my store for *Caaruzo's* Jukebox compatible songs
For any custom songs and pricing feel free to contact Caeas Arun.


✪ Features
- create own full songs with the *Caaruzo's* Jukebox Soundcompiler (sold seperatly, see releated items
- low lag
- low landimpact (just 1LI)
- possibility to add infinite songs
- ignore list, to hide songs from songlist without inventory delete
- accesslist
- adjustable volume
- repeat modes: off, song, all
- 100% mesh
- plays complete songs
- 30 pre installed songs

See item in Second Life
  • low landimpact (just 1LI)
  • possibility to add infinite songs
  • ignore list / accesslist
  • repeat modes: off, song, all
  • 30 pre installed complete songs
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 1 star:
Musik box
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 02, 2017 by Lisa Balczo

There are lots of great songs. They run smoothly without any damage.
The music box looks also very good and with 1 Prim very well built there are also additional songs to buy available

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AWESOME !!!!!!!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 24, 2017 by ShaakTi Gloom

There is a great and awesome Musicbox , it looks great !!!!!!!!!

Die Musikbox ist echt gut gemacht nicht so bunt und blinkt nicht finde ich den Hammer.....

weiter so

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