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~ ☠ ~ *Caaruzo's* Jukebox Manual ~ ☠ ~
❶ Songlist
- Touch this button to pick a song from the list, to play
- use the arrows to page forward or page back
❷ Play
- This button starts playing the current song
❸ Stop
- Push this button to stop the current song
❹ Volume
- change the volume of the played songs
- possible volume levels are:
* 9%
* 18%
* 27%
* 36%
* 45%
* 54%
* 63%
* 72%
* 81%
* 90%
* 100%
- info (its still depended on your viewer settings also, mute sounds in viewer will mean
you can't hear the music
❺ Settings
- Access
* here you can set the accesslevel of the jukebox
* possible levels: public, group, owner
* restriction is for the whole use
* change access setting and ignore song feature is every time just usable by the owner
- Loop Song
* change the repeat mode for the songs
-> Loop off: deactivate the repeat, jukebox stops after current song is played 1 time
-> Loop Song: repeats the current song all the time
-> Loop All: repeats the whole song list all the time (except the ones added to ignorelist)
- Ignore Songs
* this feature allows you, to remove songs from the songlist, without needed delete
them from the Jukebox inventory
* you can keep them save in the jukebox
-> add: adds a Song to the ignorelist
-> remove: remove song from ignore list
❻ misc buttons
- the button "^" switches the menu back to top level of the category
- "close" means closing the menu save and remove listener to prevent lag
Thank you for buying @ *Caaruzo's*
Feel free to check out my store for *Caaruzo's* Jukebox compatible songs
For any custom songs and pricing feel free to contact Caeas Arun.
✪ Features
- create own full songs with the *Caaruzo's* Jukebox Soundcompiler (sold seperatly, see releated items
- low lag
- low landimpact (just 1LI)
- possibility to add infinite songs
- ignore list, to hide songs from songlist without inventory delete
- accesslist
- adjustable volume
- repeat modes: off, song, all
- 100% mesh
- plays complete songs
- 30 pre installed songs
- low landimpact (just 1LI)
- possibility to add infinite songs
- ignore list / accesslist
- repeat modes: off, song, all
- 30 pre installed complete songs
Musik box
There are lots of great songs. They run smoothly without any damage.
The music box looks also very good and with 1 Prim very well built there are also additional songs to buy available
AWESOME !!!!!!!!
There is a great and awesome Musicbox , it looks great !!!!!!!!!
Die Musikbox ist echt gut gemacht nicht so bunt und blinkt nicht finde ich den Hammer.....
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