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Cables ponytail

Cables ponytail

A ponytail made of cables with a connection port to the head. White and black, animated texture, unisex. Size changes in the builder menu.

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sweet AND "functional"... functional-looking of course ;->
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 19, 2024 by ThymeNDewdle

i am trying out the cyber look and out of all the items i tired, this headpiece is in the top five. it works with so many of my weird hairstyles, or even as shown with just a hairbase! i am going to try 2 for a "weird ponytail" effect.

this does not hum, nor does it "move". but it is still a VERY fine cyber addition to my wardrobe, one of my favourites in fact... and i thank you for it!

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