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{CB} 1950's Black Saddle Shoes - With or Without Socks - Resize

{CB} 1950's Black Saddle Shoes - With or Without Socks - Resize

~ Welcome to *your* newest fantasy!

~ Designed for fun - Vintage Saddle Shoes - Shopping for the Sock Hop? Look no further we have the perfect shoe. Top off your Fifties look from the Rockin' past with a Poodle Skirt or Pink Ladies Jacket. This traditional saddle oxford is perfect for school uniforms.

~ In this boxed outfit you'll find:

Mesh - Saddle Shoes - With - Touch Resize
Saddle Shoes - Shoe Alpha
Saddle Shoes - Shoe Base
Bobby Socks - Sock Layer
Prim - Bobby Sock Tops - With - Touch Resize
as well as Omega advanced appliers for the Sock Layer.

~ Please Note~ When you wear your new outfit please add each item so they end up in the proper position. <3

~ Caged Butterfly ~ For all questions, on fitting, resizing, or anything at all about Caged Butterfly please send MarilynMae Resident a note card so that I may help you as soon as possible ~ please note ~ my instant messages tend to get capped.

~ If you have any problems with delivery, you can check on your order status by going to your account screen on Marketplace - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/account - Once there click on “Order History” to get details. This should let you know the status of your order as well as any problems Marketplace had delivering it.

~ You may ask a refund when you make a double purchase (purchasing same product more than twice) by sending a note card to MarilynMae Resident with a clear record of your transaction history (Please copy and paste transaction information). There are no refunds on copy items.

Thank you for your purchase and enjoy!... <3
~ MarilynMae Resident