CamRock Textures: Metals - Festive Metals
A collection of 26 metal textures for use in your creations. These textures were made with the holiday season in mind, totally seamless and offer a large variety of festive hues, highlights and crinkles. Perfect for use in the creation of many items for personal use, gifts or items that you sell. You will find that all CamRock Textures (formerly known as Fruit of the Loon Textures) are full perm in order for you to build and create items that you can sell, modify or give away. This does not mean you have purchased a license to sell, trade or transfer any of these textures as is or to upload them to a grid other than SL. On the contrary, by purchasing these textures, you are agreeing that they are for YOUR use only on the Second Life grid. If you wish to use them on another grid, feel free to im or notecard us and we'll get you a set there at a discounted price if you've already purchased them for your use in SL. Again, thanks for choosing CamRock Textures to be your texture provider! Although we changed our name and moved to a better location (full sim), the quality, owners and creators are the same so don't be fooled by a different brand name.
Visit CamRock Textures inworld on the CamRock sim to purchase textures & to join our update subscription group for freebies & texture pack release notices. If you're already a subscription member on Fruit of the Loon Textures, there's no need to rejoin. We changed it all over and you'll still receive the same freebies & notices.
CamRock Textures
Full Perms
Christmas Wrap
Fruit of the Loon