CamRock Textures - Wallpapers - Toasted Stripes

A collection of 24 seamless targa textures for use in your creations & builds. This set includes a variety of popular hues to select from for the creation of many items for personal use, gifts or items that you sell. You will find that all CamRock and Fruit of the Loon Textures are full perm in order for you to build and create items that you can sell, modify or give away. This does not mean you have purchased a license to sell, trade or transfer any of these textures as is or to upload them to a grid other than SL. On the contrary, by purchasing these textures, you are agreeing that they are for YOUR use only on the Second Life grid.
Visit inworld purchase more textures & to join our update subscription group for freebies & texture pack release notices.
See item in Second Life- copy
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