The Camel is one of the best fighters of WW1.
this version comes with a realistic starting procedure, system vice, refueling and progressive sounds.
you can customize it yourself with the added templates.
See item in Second Life- customize textures
- progressive sound
- realistic starting procedure
- vice
- refueling
Hey Erick. I got an First EG Aircraft in WWI Era?
This Flight is Very Great. I fly on the Heterocera heading to ERIA. But It's crashed on the Sea. Thanks you for the Enjoying an EG Aircraft.
Interesting, if a little buggy, startup procedure, mundane flight characteristics.
I particularly enjoy realistic startup procedures, and this one comes through... most of the time. There is an annoying bug that sometimes strikes (30% of the time) to where the plane will not be able to be started at all until I log out and log back in... apparently, I'm not the only one with this issue.
Once the engine is started and the chocks released, it's... average at best. The sounds are so-so, the texture that comes with it is somewhat ugly due to bad compression (though the option to make your own liveries is nice and welcome), and the flight characteristics are numb and standard SL fare.
Is it bad? No, not really. It's also not great, either, and for $1k, you basically get a fancy startup procedure that you can show off to your friends (most of the time), and not much else.
Flawless! Beautiful! Realistic and yet still possible to learn to fly well.
I love the realism of the start procedure. The experience of flying Erick's fighter aircraft is very real and complete.